Observed Trials Tech

So what's this all about? It's about trials and making your trials bike perfom better. This blog is to share ideas and expose trials riders to technical improvements for both modern, vintage and twinshock machinery.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Organized Chaos

A dozen victims, er ah, students took part in the "Learn To Turn" seminar on the Saturday afternoon prior to the Vintage Acre Trial on Sunday. It seemed to go well, there was info on body position on the bike, how to walk a section, how to go about practicing so that you get the most out of your practice time, and general turning skills.
By the end of the afternoon he had guys making turns that in the morning they wouldn't even had attempted.
The seminar was so well attendedn and we had such a good time, that we are considering holding other sessions on the weekends hosting one-day ITSA trials. Maybe we'll do log crossings next time, that'll keep attendance low, huh Mikey?
If you'll look closely standing in the woods you can see the Guru, trying to avoid being taken out by an out of control student. Luckily they all paid attention and nobody made contact with the Guru, only a few trees.....

Thursday, March 08, 2007

The Brian Martin Award

The Brian Martin Trophy was presented on the evening of Saturday 2/24/2007 to deserving recipient Graham Foster of Fayetteville, Tn. via some part of the U.K.

The ITSA presentation party included eight-time Brian Martin Trophy winner Bob "Guru" Ginder, two-time winner Mike "Mikey P." Parsley, the Trialsrooster, Nubbie, Mennonite Mike, Malcolm Jr, and Pee Wee. A good time appeared to be had by all.

The Brian Martin Trophy, is sponsored by Pete Silvan , and is presented to AHRMA's Premier Lightweight Expert National Trials Champion.

During the evening ordeal Graham was kind enough to globally ring up the old fart in Mosely, England to share his elation for the prestigious award. Yes, the original Bob Baker, participant in several Scottish-Two Day events. We passed the cell phone around and shared insults from across the sea.

Congratulations Graham. You were the last one of the trio to get it!

Bike of the Month

For those regular viewers that had a guess about the Ossamaha in the previous post, go on over to the ITSA site for more info on Tony Down's creation. You do have to be a member to get the full story, but maybe that'll get some of you hold-outs all joined up!
