Observed Trials Tech

So what's this all about? It's about trials and making your trials bike perfom better. This blog is to share ideas and expose trials riders to technical improvements for both modern, vintage and twinshock machinery.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What We Did Last Weekend....

Tony, look out for that rock! Oops, too late! Although it looks like you've pretty much got your eye right on it! Don't feel bad though, we all did the same thing this week-end.

The 4th Round of the 2006 ITSA Trials Series at R.Q. Old's Vintage Acres in Palmyra Tennessee was a rousing success. If you missed this one you missed a great time at a very picturesque location. There was camping and cooking and fishing and major socializing. Oh, boy!

The Guru hosted a free trials riding seminar on Saturday evening. It must have been helpful as Mennonite Mike and Fearless Charlie both attended and finished first and second in the Historic Novice class on Sunday.

More pictures and a full report will be on the ITSA website soon. The series points tables have already been updated.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Longest Dab

We have successfully completed the great 2006 B&J Racing Western Trials Tour and Dual-Sport Extravaganza (WTTDSE).

The shot above is of the one and only, infamous Long Dab Graham (LDG). While having completed both days of the AHRMA National Trials at Mosteller Ranch, Casper, Wyoming LDG, Mikey P. and the GURU took in a little extra-curricular activity playing on some of the interesting and fun terrain available. The small log strategically placed at the top of this climb seemed to be a formidable adversary to the Triumph Cubs of LDG and Mikey P. Or was LDG merely exhibiting the technique of proper position of foot placement for the prevention of tumbling to the ultimate view of sky, ground, sky, ground, etc.......

By the expression on Mikey's face I can only assume that he's thinking, "Oohh, this could leave a mark!" Personally, from my position of downhill photographer I was simply hoping he wouldn't fall on me!

He did save it and lived to dab again, but his eyes were pretty big, they almost glowed. We survived the rest of the afternoon and headed the next morning for dual-sport adventures in Colorado.
