Observed Trials Tech

So what's this all about? It's about trials and making your trials bike perfom better. This blog is to share ideas and expose trials riders to technical improvements for both modern, vintage and twinshock machinery.

Friday, June 22, 2012

New Toys!

Well maybe these should be considered projects......both run and pretty well I might add.
ITSA is setting the ground work for organized twinshock trail rides.

The bike of choice is a 1970 Yamaha DT1....My dad and I bought a new ones in 1970. in fact that is his gas tank on this machine. How much  better can it get?
Quite a bit actually! While out riding around the local country roads I came upon a 1972 Ford F100.....now doesn't that DT look sweet back there! I'll bet the James and TY250 will look as good!
